CFP: Questioning Science in Uncertain Times, Workshop at OSU

Call for Abstracts

In addition to the two keynote speakers, our workshop will feature contributed papers that address the theme of the workshop: how should scholars working in STS and allied fields approach science and technology in these “uncertain” times? We encourage both submissions that interrogate the role of STS, but also submissions that consider questions of science and democratization (e.g. social movements, citizen science, populism, the politics of knowledge and ignorance, etc.), how values are formed in science, the role of art and design in scientific critique, and structural inequalities and the politics of science and technology.

See here additional details.

To submit a paper for consideration, please submit an abstract of no more than 500 words, including references. Each speaker will have 30 minutes to present their paper during the workshop. The closing date for abstracts is November 1, 2017.

To submit an abstract, please email it as a PDF attachment to If you have any questions about this call, feel free to email either Chris Pincock ( or Monamie Bhadra (

A limited amount of funds will be made available for presenters to cover some of the costs of attending the workshop. We plan to finalize the workshop schedule by the end of November.