The Robert F. and Jean E. Holtz Center for Science and Technology Studies is active in enhancing undergraduate education through multiple activities, including its Certificate, Integrated Studies in Science, Engineering, and Society (ISSuES). One of the main purposes of the Holtz Center and its ISSuES Certificate is to foster a better understanding of both the place of science and technology in social life, and the social and cultural determinants of science and technology research and practice.
To these ends, we are excited to issue a new call for research proposals from undergraduate students interested in conducting research on issues important to science, technology, and society. All undergraduate students at UW-Madison are eligible for this funding opportunity including those in engineering, social and behavioral sciences, the humanities, and biological and physical sciences. We are giving two awards in this category. The maximum amount of each award is $1,000 for the student and $500 in flexible funds for the faculty advisor.
The deadline for submitting the proposals is 5 pm on Thursday, February 15, 2018.
2018 Call for Submissions: Undergraduate Research Opportunity