Advertisement for Taylor Postdoctoral Fellow
Science & Technology Studies Cornell
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The Departments of Anthropology and Science and Technology Studies at Cornell University invite applications for the Sanford H. Taylor Postdoctoral Fellowship Program. They seek a scholar whose research and publications engage empirically, analytically, and theoretically with the intertwining of environment and health. They anticipate selecting a scholar whose work touches on themes of broad interest such as social justice, sustainability, resilience, and risk, including reflections upon the conceptual apparatus of environmental health itself. The geographic focus of research is open. They invite applications from scholars of Anthropology, Science and Technology Studies, or allied fields, who will have been awarded their Ph.D. no later than August 1st, 2018.
Taylor Fellows are appointed for 2 years and are expected to teach 3 courses during that time. One course would be focused in each of the collaborating departments with the third left to the discretion of the postdoctoral fellow. The successful candidate would be expected to participate in the intellectual life of both programs. Cornell departments are committed to the development of a campus climate that supports equity and diversity.
Interested applicants should submit a letter of application, a curriculum vitae, a dissertation abstract, three letters of recommendation, a sample course syllabus for a graduate or undergraduate semester-long course in their area of expertise, and a writing sample of approximately 20-25 pages. Applications should be submitted online at:
Manuscript review will begin by Feb. 2nd, 2018, and will continue until the search is completed.
For more information on Cornell’s departments of Anthropology ( and Science & Technology Studies ( in the College of Arts & Sciences, please visit their websites.