New HC Member, Michelle Kelly Evaluates New Patient Portal for Pediatric Patients

Michelle Kelly is a Pediatric Hospitalist and Associate Professor (CHS) in the UW Department of Pediatrics, within the UW School of Medicine and Public Health. Professor Kelly recently joined the Holtz Center for Science and Technology Studies to find inspiration for her research and collaborate across disciplines and schools on the UW-Madison Campus. Even though Dr. Kelly just recently joined the Holtz Center, she has been on the UW-Madison campus for a decade. Her research focuses on developing tools and technologies leveraging family engagement to improve the quality and safety of care of hospitalized children. Most recently, this has involved the use and evaluation of an online patient portal for hospitalized patients and their families. The patient portal, called MyChart Bedside, was developed to increase the transparency of clinical information shared with parents and families during their child’s hospitalization. This portal helps families better understand the experience and feel empowered to care for their child. Dr. Kelly looks forward to collaborating with others across the University of Wisconsin-Madison Campus that will bring different perspectives to this and future work.