A write-up of last Thursday’s special brown bag event, “Gene Editing: From CRISPR Twins to Public Deliberation and Responsible Clinical Translation” – via Wisconsin State Journal
Month: March 2019
Barcelos joins Holtz Center to connect and collaborate with other interdisciplinary scholars on campus
Chris Barcelos is an Assistant Professor in Gender and Women’s Studies and has been on the University of Wisconsin-Madison campus for more than two years. Chris recently joined the Holtz Center for Science and Technology …
Jackson sees Holtz Center as a “very good fit”.
Professor Catherine Jackson became a member of the Holtz Center last fall, because she saw the Center as a “very good fit” between her intellectual interests and other members of the Holtz Center. She looks …
Pharmacy’s Olufunmilola Abraham Joins the Holtz Center
The Holtz Center for Science and Technologies welcomed Professor Olufunmilola Abraham to its membership last fall. Professor Abraham describes the Center as “well-aligned” with her research in the School of Pharmacy. Her interdisciplinary research interests, allow …
Funding Opportunities for Graduate Students
All spring graduate student awards have been combined into a single application process for spring. You may still apply for more than one award. Please indicate all of your choices on the Graduate Student Awards Cover Sheet and …
Nominations for Holtz Center 2019-20 Visiting Speakers
Holtz Center Members, Students and Friends, The Holtz Center Steering Committee is beginning to plan a year of dynamic, provocative and engaging speaker visits and needs your input. Please nominate speakers for next year’s Visiting Lecturer series. To …