All spring graduate student awards have been combined into a single application process for spring. You may still apply for more than one award. Please indicate all of your choices on the Graduate Student Awards Cover Sheet and submit as a single PDF file to
Deadline for applications: April 1, 2019
Top-Up Fellowships for Continuing Graduate Students in Science and Technology Studies
The Robert F. and Jean E. Holtz Center for Science & Technology Studies offers a program of top-up fellowships for continuing graduate students with research interests in the field of science and technology studies, broadly construed. Each award totals $4000, distributed in $2000 increments at the start of the 2019-20 and of the 2020-21 academic years. Up to six awards will be offered.
These awards are open to graduate students in good standing in any UW-Madison graduate program. Students who accept these awards are expected to attend the Holtz Center brown bag series and other events, and are encouraged to take the introductory graduate seminar, STS 901.
Spring deadline of April 1 is for the summer/fall cycle.
Graduate Student Research Travel Grants
The Robert F. and Jean E. Holtz Center for Science & Technology Studies invite proposals for travel grants of up to $1,000 from graduate students working on STS-related research, that is, research on the intersections of society with science, technology, or medicine. Funds may be used for travel to research sites or for presenting papers at professional conferences. Some preference will be given to students with a Ph.D. minor in STS, but students in all departments are encouraged to apply. Eligible research activities include visits to ethnographic research sites, travel to conduct interviews or engage in collaborative work, and trips to archival collections and specialized libraries.
Summer Scholar Awards
The Robert F. and Jean E. Holtz Center for Science and Technology Studies invites applications from UW-Madison doctoral students for research support for the summer each spring. Applicants may come from any disciplinary background as long as the proposed research engages the field of science and technology studies. Awards may support preliminary or pilot research in advance of the student’s dissertation, or a phase of the student’s dissertation research. Awards can range between $2,500-$4,000.