Watch “What is Food & Who Decides?: Current Debates about Milk & Meat”

Did you miss our well-attended event at Oregon Public Library last month?  Well, you can now catch-up and watch the October 29th “What is Food & Who Decides? The Current Debates about Milk & Meat” presentation in it’s entirety.

Are plant-based milks milk? Is meat really meat if it is grown in a lab? Which stakeholders will get a say in making these decisions about our food? How can the public get involved in making these policies? Our group of expert panelists answered all of these questions – and more during the Q&A discussion with UW colleagues and community members. Food regularion and law expert panelists included Scott Rankin (Food Science), Jeff Sindelar (Animal Sciences), Steph Tai (Law School) and Monica Theis (Food Science). The event was moderated by our Director, Noah Weeth Feinstein.