If you are exploring a career in health information or have similar interests in academia, industry and librarianship, students should consider a new online course from Holtz Center member, Professor Catherine Arnott Smith. Arnott Smith, …
Month: March 2020
Spring 2020 Travel Award Update
Update on Spring 2020 travel awards If faculty, staff or students hold a current Holtz Center travel award, but your conference or research trip was cancelled, you may roll your award over to another STS-related …
Join the new STS & HSMT Slack Channel & Contribute to Teach the Virus
Holtz Center member, Nicole Nelson has set up a slack channel for HSMT and STS students to keep folks in touch during this period of cocooning! Please join, and feel free to share. In addition, …
Lo joins Holtz Center community to encourage knowledge-sharing across disciplines
The Holtz Center for Science and Technology Studies recently welcomed its newest member, Adeline Lo (Political Science), to its roster earlier this year. Lo joins the Holtz Center and it’s growing membership – approaching 100 …
Holtz Center funding helps Ipsen release recent publication
Colorado State University’s Annabel Ipsen, recently released her latest publication, with support from the Holtz Center for Science and Technology Studies. “Repeat Players, the Law, and Social Change: Redefining the Boundaries of Environmental and Labor …