Note: This list of courses is not definitive or comprehensive. It is a starting point to give students and certificate advisers examples of courses that would work well in the ISSuES certificate program. The inclusion of a course on this list does not guarantee ISSuES certificate students a spot in the course or that they have the necessary pre-requisites to enroll. ISSuES students must meet the enrollment requirements of the course as listed in the catalog or timetable. We encourage ISSuES students to work with their certificate advisers to find appropriate courses beyond those listed below.
DS 120 Design: Fundamentals I. I, II; 3 cr (H‐E). Elements and principles of design. Lecture and studio experience relevant to design of the visual environment. P: Open to Fr
DS 130 Introduction to Interior Architecture. This course is an introduction to interior architecture, as a discipline and as a profession. We will examine the ways in which interior environments impact our lives, and the challenges and responsibilities faced by those who work in this field. Topics include: the history of interior design as a profession; the increased professionalization of interior design; the relation of interior design to other design disciplines (such as architecture and furniture design); the social, economic, and environmental issues that impact design; the role of emerging technologies (including digital media); design research and documentation; the elements and principles of design; the identification and observation of quality work in both commercial and residential settings; contemporary trends in taste and aesthetics; and the application of design research methods to a real-world project. This course will provide students with the foundation necessary to continue as interior architecture majors.
DS 220 Design: Fundamentals II. I, II; 3 cr (H‐I). Elements and principles of three‐dimensional design. Lecture and studio experience relevant to design and analysis of the spatial environment. P: ETD 120 & ME 160 or Art 112; or cons inst.
DS 221 Person and Environment Interactions. I, II; 3 cr (H‐I). Effects of building and outdoor spaces on people over the lifecourse. P: Open to All Undergrads.
DS 264 Dimensions of Material Culture. H-E, 4 cr. This course introduces students to the interdisciplinary field of material culture studies. It is intended for students interested in any professional endeavor related to material culture, including careers in museums, galleries, historical societies, historic preservation organizations, and academic institutions. During the semester, students have varied opportunities to engage with and contemplate the material world to which people give meaning and which, in turn, influences their lives. Sessions combine in some way the following: presentations from faculty members and professionals who lecture on a phase of material culture related to his/her own scholarship or other professional work; discussion of foundational readings in the field; visits to collections and sites on campus and around Madison; discussion of readings assigned by visiting presenters or the professors; and exams and short papers that engage material culture topics.
DS 356 Sustainable Residential Construction. 3 cr. Properties and use of building materials, framing systems, HVAC systems, code requirements, conservation of natural resources in building construction and operation. P: MATH 112, 114, or 171.
DS 360 Global Perspectives on Design and Culture. This class is intended to deepen cross‐ or inter‐cultural understanding – both of design, and of diverse cultural realities. Through selected case‐study units, we explore the ways in which design (and “design style”) reflects or “encodes” culture (social organization, belief systems, environmental needs); the ways different cultures approach and design objects to meet universal human needs such as seating and sleeping; the impacts of cultural interface on people’s daily lives, and the global realities of the ways designed items are produced and distributed in the world today.
DS 420 20th Century Design The course introduces issues central to design of the twentieth century including: introduction of new processes, materials and marketing techniques; a search for an aesthetic to express a new age; new roles for designers; competition between consumer driven and designer driven production; design on a global not only national scale; and concerns about increasing depersonalization. Representative designers and firms are presented in graphic, industrial, textile, furniture and interior design. The issues are placed within the broader social and cultural context at the end of the nineteenth century, which provided the foundation for the design movements of the twentieth century. The development is continued up to the present.
DS 464 Dimensions of Material Culture. (Crosslisted with Art Hist, History) I; 3 cr (H‐I). Approaches to the interdisciplinary study of the material world in order to analyze broader social and cultural issues. Guest speakers explore private and public objects and spaces from historic, ethnographic, and aesthetic perspectives. P: 1 crse 300 level or above from Art Hist or ETD, or cons inst.
DS 512 Material Culture Analysis: The Arts and the Consumer Society. (Crosslisted with ETD) II; 3 cr (H‐D). The meanings of objects—both art objects and consumer goods. Interactions between people and objects; “decoding” objects as primary sources of information about the people/cultures that make and use them. P: Jr st.
Land Arc 250 Survey of Landscape Architecture Design. I or SS; 3 cr (H‐E). Principles of landscape and environmental design; incorporates elements of landscape planning and management. Provides background to the ideas and personalities shaping landscape architecture in America. P: Open to Fr.
Land Arc 260 History of Landscape Architecture. II; 3 cr (H‐I). A critical and historical analysis of our design of outdoor space.
Land Arc 312 Graphics for Designers. II; 3 cr (I). Principles of graphic communication media, and development of practical graphic skills to enhance the professional student’s ability to communicate with lay and professional audiences. P: Con reg in a design course.
Land Arc 351 Housing and Urban Design. II; 4 cr (I). An application of landscape design principles and problem‐solving methods to housing and urban issues. Introduction to physical site design, land‐use controls, and the relationship between housing and associated land uses. Projects focus on the central city and/or suburbs. P: Land Arc 261 and 365 or con reg.
Land Arc 375 American Vernacular Architecture & Landscapes. I, II; 1‐4 cr. P: Cons inst. This course will examine an array of American vernacular buildings and landscapes from the colonial period to the present and consider what they can tell us about the past (and potentially the present).
Land Arc 548 Environmental Aesthetics. (Crosslisted with Urb R Pl, Envir St, ETD) I; 2‐3 cr (S‐A). Analysis of visual characteristics and aesthetic qualities of physical environments; physiographic factors; functional needs; modes of perception; historical and cultural influences; role of design professions. P: Jr st.
Art Hist 201 Ancient and Medieval Art. I, II; 4 cr (H‐E). The great originative styles of Egypt, Greece, Rome, and the Christian West in architecture, sculpture, and painting. P: Open to Fr.
Art Hist 202 Renaissance to Modern Art. I, II, SS; 4 cr (H‐E). Representative masters in the historical development of European painting, sculpture, and architecture from the fourteenth century to the present. P: Open to Fr.
Art Hist 241 Introduction to African Art and Architecture. (Crosslisted with Afroamer) I or II; 3 cr (H‐E). Regional styles of African art with reference to cultural function and aesthetics. Emphasis on the art of West and Central Africa. Historical beginnings with the ancient art of Nigeria and continuing into the royal and popular categories; comparisons as to subject, form, purpose, ethnic group, regional styles, and country. P: Open to Fr.
Art Hist 300 The Art and Archaeology of Ancient Greece. (Crosslisted with Classics) I; 3‐4 cr (H‐I). Explores the art and archaeology of ancient Greece from the Bronze Age through the Hellenistic period. P: Open to all Undergrads.
Art Hist 3 18 Romanesque and Gothic Art and Architecture. Alt yrs.; I; 3‐4 cr (H‐I). Art and architecture of Western Europe, ca. 1000 to ca. 1350. Particular emphasis on the relationship of the arts to theology, ritual, concepts of the body, rulership and courtliness. P: Art Hist 201. Open to Fr.
Art Hist 319 Gothic Architecture. Irr.; 3‐4 cr (H‐I). Architectural development in the high Middle Ages. P: So st or cons inst.
Art Hist 327 Renaissance Architecture. Irr.; 3‐4 cr (H‐I). Great architectural styles and their masters in Europe during the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. P: So st or cons inst.
Art Hist 341 Italian Baroque Art. I or II; 3‐4 cr (H‐I). Italian painting, sculpture, architecture, and the graphic arts between 1600 and 1750 with emphasis on Caravaggio, the Carracci, Artemesia Gentileschi, Bernini, Algardi, Borromini, the Tiepolo family, and Piranese. P: So st or cons inst.
Art Hist 357 European Architecture: The Nineteenth Century. I or II; 3‐4 cr (H‐I). Architecture of the 19th century in France, Britain, Germany, and Spain. P: So st or cons inst.
Art Hist 358 European Architecture: The Modern Movements. I or II; 3‐4 cr (H‐I). Major architectural trends in Europe from 1900 to 1939. P: So st or cons inst.
Art Hist 362 Arts of India. (Crosslisted with LCA) Irr.; 3‐4 cr (H‐I). A general survey of Indian sculpture, architecture and painting. P: Open to Fr.
Art Hist 364 History of American Art, 1607‐Present. II; 3‐4 cr (H‐I). Explores American art and material culture between 1607 and the present; works of painting, sculpture, architecture, and the decorative arts are examined within the broader social, historical, and cultural contexts that give them form and meaning. P: Art Hist 202.
Art Hist 365 Survey of American Art Since 1945. Alt yrs.; I; 3‐4 cr (H‐I). An introduction to American art from the middle of the twentieth century to the present, surveying the major movements, artists, and aesthetic theories of this period. P: Art Hist 202. Open to freshmen.
Art Hist 367 American Architecture: Colonial and Federal. I or II; 3‐4 cr (H‐I). American architecture from the sixteenth through the early nineteenth centuries, covering English, Spanish, Dutch and French colonial styles and the Federal period. P: So st or cons inst.
Art Hist 368 American Architecture: The 19th Century. I or II; 3‐4 cr (H‐I). Major architects and trends in American architecture from the Greek Revival to the Chicago School. P: So st or cons inst.
Art Hist 457 History of American Vernacular Architecture and Landscapes. Alt yrs.; 3 cr (H‐I). Survey of American vernacular buildings and landscapes from the colonial period to the present. Emphasis is on acquiring descriptive tools and developing interpretive frameworks to explore the significance that these vernacular environments have had for their makers and users. P: Jr st & at least one Art Hist crse, or cons inst.
Art Hist 463 Topics in American Material Culture. Alt yrs.; 3‐4 cr (H‐I). In depth examination of special topics related to material culture and the decorative arts, including craftsmanship, consumerism, representations of race, ethnicity, and gender, and museum histories and exhibition practices. P: So st.
Art Hist 467 Form and Content in American Architecture: 1855‐1900. I or II; 3‐4 cr (H‐D). A study of the sources and the development of architecture in the United States during the second half of the nineteenth century. P: Jr st & one crse in architect hist or cons inst.
Art Hist 468 Frank Lloyd Wright. I or II; 3‐4 cr (H‐D). An analysis of Frank Lloyd Wright’s architecture and writings. P: Jr st & one crse in architect hist or cons inst.
Art Hist 600 Design and Theory: Special Topics in Art History. I or II; 3 cr (H‐A). P: Jr st, or cons inst. Introduced students to advanced readings in design from the 18th century through the present. Aimed to establish an understanding of the issues that should be considered when designing or analyzing an object. Readings divided into units on four topics: workmanship, utility, signification, and ornament. Object types studied include ceramics, furniture, paintings, sculpture, architecture, and industrial design.
Art 102 Two‐Dimensional Design. I or II or SS; 3 cr (E). Two‐dimensional composition and introduction to color theory through lectures, audiovisual materials, and studio assignments. P: Open to Fr.
Art 104 Three‐Dimensional Design. I or II or SS; 3 cr (E). Applying design principles to 3‐D investigations. Lectures, studio exercises, discussions. P: Art 102. Open to Fr.
Art 214 Sculpture I. I or II or SS; 3 cr (I). Introduction to techniques and basic sculpture concepts to provide a survey of sculpture studio practices. P: Art 104, 112 & 108 or 208 or cons inst.
Art 224 Ceramics I. I or II or SS; 3 cr (I). Properties of clay and fundamentals of forming; hand‐building, throwing, slip‐casting, press molding; with emphasis on individual form concepts. Glazing, decorating, firing techniques including reduction, oxidation and primitive methods. P: So st.
Art 244 Art Metal I. I or II or SS; 3 cr (I). Basic jewelry techniques; metal fabrication dealing with piercing, soldering, forming. P: So st.
Art 302 Color. I, II; 3 cr (A). Color phenomena and visual perception as applied in art problems. Lectures, readings in theory, philosophy, and history of design. P: Art 102 & 104 or ETD 120 & 220.
Art 314 Sculpture II. I or II or SS; 3 cr (I). Continuation of 214. P: Art 214.
Art 324 Ceramics II. I or II or SS; 3 cr (I). Continuation of 224. P: Art 224 and cons inst.
Art 328 The Computer in the Visual Arts. I or II or SS; 3 cr. Survey of the use of the computer in art: history, artists’ work, techniques, and the practical generation of computer‐assisted imagery. Cons inst. P: Cons inst.
Art 334 Wood Working. I, II; 3 cr (A). Exploration of wood as a medium for constructing creative and functional three‐dimensional forms. P: Art 102 & 104 & cons inst.
Art 344 Art Metal II. I or II or SS; 3 cr (I). Advanced jewelry techniques: exploration of centrifugal lost wax casting, forging, stone setting, and hollow construction. P: Art 244 and cons inst.
Art 354 Glassworking. I or II or SS; 2‐3 cr. Glassworking toward a personal concept of material; lecture and lab. P: So st and cons inst.
Art 428 Computer Imaging Techniques. Irr.; 3 cr. Techniques of computer image generation, aesthetics of computer‐assisted art. P: Art 328 and cons inst.
Art 429 3D Digital Studio I The goal of this class is to introduce you to three‐dimensional modeling in the computer, in particular the use of 3D digital models for the creation of images. We will be using Rhino 3D to create 3D digital models and make renderings (final images) from those models. In addition to learning to use the program we will be studying various three and two dimensional design issues that are relevant to the production of images in this manner. You will gain an understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of the programs as both modeling and graphical tools.
Art 448 Special Topics-Public Domain. I or II or SS; 1-3 cr. P: Cons inst.
Art 454 Neon: Light as Sculpture. I or II; 3 cr. Introduction to light as sculptural medium including techniques for creating art using luminous tubes. P: Art 354 & cons inst.
Art 514 Advanced Sculpture I. I or II or SS; 2‐3 cr. Instruction in the use of plastics, metals, wood, clay, plaster, paint, etc., as required by the individual in terms of the formal and conceptual basis of the work. P: Art 314 & cons inst.
Art 524 Advanced Ceramics I. I or II or SS; 2‐3 cr (A). Thrown and hand‐built forms, clay bodies, glazes, firing, general studio procedure; emphasis on development of personal concepts. P: Art 324 and cons inst.
Art 528 Computer‐Mediated Art. I or II; 3 cr. Advanced concepts and techniques of the computer in art: interactive work, animation, and kinetic imagery. P: Art 428 and cons inst.
Art 529 3D Digital Studio II
Art 534 Advanced Wood Working. I, II; 3 cr (A). P: Art 334 and cons inst.
Art 554 Advanced Glassworking. I or II or SS; 2‐3 cr. Continuation of 354. P: Art 354 and cons inst.
Art 556 Advanced Graphic Design Technology. I or II or SS; 3 cr. Advanced laboratory course exploring techniques of design and production employing current technological production methods. P: Jr st, Art 546, and cons inst.
Hist Sci 222 Technology and Social Change in History. I or II; 3 cr (H‐I). Topics in the history of technology of interest to students in engineering and physical sciences. Themes include the social basis of technical change, the impact of technology on everyday life, and ethical issues in technology in the last two centuries. P: Open to Fr.
Hist Sci 337 History of Technology. I or II; 3 cr (H‐A). A survey of Western technology within its social and cultural context during the past 1000 years. Topics include technology in European expansion, the industrial revolution, and the rise of the United States as a technological superpower. P: Jr st or cons inst. Grads must enroll concurrently in Hist Sci 637.
Hist Sci 339 Technology and Its Critics Since World War II. I or II; 3 cr (Z‐A). Examines expert and popular criticism of technology from World War II to the present. Topics include atomic fallout, consumer society, Ralph Nader’s critique of auto safety, environmentalism, the movement against nuclear power, critics in the counterculture, and appropriate technology. P: Jr st or cons inst. Grad stdts must enroll concurrently in Hist Sci 639.
Hist Sci 411 History of American Technology. (Crosslisted with History) I or II or SS; 3-4 cr (S-I). Survey of the history of American technology focusing on changing technologies of production and distribution from the colonial period to the near-present. P: So st.
Hist Sci 637 Studies in History of Technology. I or II; 1 cr (A). Advanced readings in primary and secondary literature of the history of technology, with emphasis on historiographic issues. P: Grad st; con reg in Hist Sci 337 or cons inst.
C&E Soc 245 Technology and Society. (Crosslisted with Soc) I or II; 3 cr (E). Students are introduced to a wide range of work on technology, the social forces shaping its development, and social impacts of its adoption. Students are encouraged to examine their assumptions about technology and its relationship to society. P: Open to Fr.