Each spring, the Holtz Center offers a variety of funding opportunities for its membership, members of the campus STS community and graduate students engaged in the field of science and technology studies. The 2020-21 award …
honors and accolades
Rubel’s ‘Algorithms & Autonomy’ available on Cambridge Core Open Access
Holtz Center Steering Committee member and Information School Associate Professor Alan Rubel’s new book Algorithms and Autonomy: The Ethics of Automated Decision Systems (with Clinton Castro of Florida International University and Adam Pham of California …
Four Holtz Center affiliates recognized for research contributions on campus
Four Holtz Center affiliates were recently recognized on campus for their outstanding research contributions. The four members were among the slate of thirty-three UW-Madison faculty who received 2021-22 WARF Named Professorships, Kellett Fellowships and Romnes …
Popkewitz edits book that explore international mobilizations of sciences related to education after WWII
Holtz Center member, Thomas Popkewitz, along with Daniel Pettersson and Kai-Jun Hsiao, recently edited the newly published, “The International Emergence of Educational Sciences in the Post-World War Two Years: Quantification, Visualization, and Making Kinds of …
2020 STS undergrad essay contest winners announced
Each spring, the Holtz Center for Science and Technology Studies releases two calls for funding opportunities for undergraduate students at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Along with an undergraduate research opportunity, the Holtz Center seeks papers …
Holtz Center funding helps Ipsen release recent publication
Colorado State University’s Annabel Ipsen, recently released her latest publication, with support from the Holtz Center for Science and Technology Studies. “Repeat Players, the Law, and Social Change: Redefining the Boundaries of Environmental and Labor …
Holtz Center member, Lei Zheng receives Graduate Student Award from AERA Critical Issues in Cultural Studies SIG
STS Minor, Stepha Velednitsky, receives TA award for Exceptional Service
Stepha Velednitsky (UW-Madison Department of Geography) is one of fifteen UW-Madison graduate students to receive a 2019 teaching assistant award. Stepha’s award is for Exceptional Service. Stepha’s research focus is on Israel/Palestine, post-Soviet migration & …
Gaeta publishes STS article on targeted advertising & disabilities
Holtz Center graduate student affiliate, Amy Gaeta, recently published a science and technology studies-related article on targeted advertising online and on social media. Amy’s article, “Do Algorithms Know Your Body Better Than You?“, reviews online …
Tai explores “meat labeling” in Loyola Law Journal
Holtz Center member, Steph Tai (Law School), recently wrote an article on “meal labeling”, which was released in Loyola University Chicago Law Journal earlier this month. Legalizing the Meaning of Meat explores the history of …