Chelsea Olson: The Experiences of Cyberstalking Victimization among College Students and Young Adults: Characteristics and Outcomes

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Nafziger Room - 5055 Vilas Communication Hall
@ 12:30 pm

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Chelsea Olson
Chelsea Olson

Cyberstalking is defined as the intentional, unwanted, and repeated intrusion of a target’s life over technology, including via social media, that would cause a reasonable person to feel fear. Individuals who experience cyberstalking victimization report experiencing a host of negative outcomes, including impacts to mental and physical health. In this talk I will discuss my work from two studies examining cyberstalking victimization in college students and young adult participants. I will first review what prior research has contributed to the field, then move into prevalence rates, characteristics of the experience with a focus on the occurrence over social media sites, and the consequences associated with victimization.

For further reading:

Adamson et al. (2023) Cyberstalking – A growing challenge for the US legal system

Fissel & Reyns (2020) The aftermath of cyberstalking victimization

Olson and Bellmore (2021) Online aggression and romantic relationships in adolescence