Chris Kirchgasler
Position title: Assistant Professor, Curriculum & Instruction
Sociology of knowledge, postcolonial studies, postfoundational approaches
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- Educational Studies in Mathematics
I am Assistant Professor of Curriculum & Global Studies. My research is a sociology of education knowledge, drawing upon postcolonial and postfoundational approaches to analyze the values and norms in curriculum and school reforms in order to understand how they generate differences and exclusions. These studies take two dimensions. One is transnational and includes studies of migrant inclusion, global assessments, teacher observation systems, and low-fee, for-profit schooling, particularly in Africa, Europe, and North America. The second concerns historicizing educational knowledge, including psychological concepts such as curiosity and grit, and curricular design principles such as efficiency and community voice. In both, my scholarship seeks to illuminate colonial residues that undermine commitments to equity and inclusion.